
The Small Church Pastor Coach Certification program was designed to be the equivalent of a three unit college online course. In this course you will learn:

1. How I did it.

I will share with you the inside scoop on how I started with nothing and grew a successful coaching practice.

2. Mistakes I’ve made and mistakes I’m still making.

Someone once said, “You never learn anything by doing it right, only by making mistakes.” I will share with you how I would do things differently if starting over again, mistakes I’ve made, and mistakes and still making as I try to grow in my own effectiveness as a coach.

3. What is coaching?

Coaching is a rather popular topic these days that I found that what one person means by coaching can be different than what another means. I will share with you what coaching means to me and why I believe my approach is not only the most effective approach to coaching but also the most needed approach to coaching.

4. The power of coaching.

Why is coaching so effective?

5. The heart, attitude, and values of the coach.

6. Establishing the coaching relationship.

Getting started with your client, laying the ground rules and expectations.

7. Establishing the agenda.

Helping the client identify clearly the areas he/she want coaching in.

8. Establishing the goals.

How to help the client set clear, specific, and attainable goals.

9. Listening.

Listening and asking are the two most important components of great coaching. You will learn how to become a great listener.

10. Powerful questions.

There is probably no single tool more important to the coach than the question. You will learn the different types of questions and when best to use them.

11. Action steps.

How do you move the client towards their goals?

12. The power of support/encouragement/accountability etc.

13. Using coaching skills in the pastorate.

For those who are pastors you will learn the many environments in your ministry where you will be able to use your coaching skills. Not all pastors need to become coaches, but all pastors need to have coaching skills. I believe being a pastor who coaches makes for a better pastor.

14. The content of the book STUCK!

In the book STUCK you will learn about the seasons/transitions of life and leadership that all people go through. When one fails to recognize and respond accordingly to the season of transition they are in they get stuck. A big part of coaching is to help people who feel stuck get unstuck.

15. How coaching differs from: pastoral counseling, mentoring, discipleship, therapy, pastoring, and training.

16. Coaching with a contemplative focus.

Possibly the most important thing in a leaders life is the cultivation of a meaningful and consistent devotional life. Personal spiritual formation is the bedrock from which all emotional and spiritual health flows along with the source of power and effectiveness in ministry.

Not only will your life be challenged in this area, you will discover how to inspire and overcome the obstacles many leaders face in becoming more contemplative.